Announcement: Petite Fashion Challenge #10: Summer to Fall!

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the late announcement, my summer has been crazy busy! I’ve finally been able to post. I’m so excited to be able to host the petite fashion challenge! I’ve participated in a few already and they’ve been really fun:) My idea for the challenge is to transition from summer to fall, which can be really tricky. Where I live, (in the Northeast), it’s really hot in the summer but starts to cool down a little by late September and October. Until then, it can be a little to cold to wear tank tops and shorts but too warm to wear fall clothes.

The challenge is to take traditionally summer pieces (like tank tops, shorts, mini skirts, sundresses etc.) and make them appropriate for fall. I thought this was appropriate for this time of the year and would be kind of fun to try. To sign up, just leave your blog url in the comments section below and paste the petite fashion challenge button onto your entry. If you don’t have a blog but still want to enter, you can email me your pictures atย The due date will be set for August 31st at 8pm. Can’t wait to see all of your entries!

41 thoughts on “Announcement: Petite Fashion Challenge #10: Summer to Fall!

  1. Pingback: Weekend Guide – 8/19/11 โ€” Alterations Needed

  2. Pingback: Weekend Guide – 8/26/11 โ€” Alterations Needed

  3. Pingback: summer to fall transition | petite on the streets

  4. I think I commented here 2-3 times but it seems as if they didn’t go through. Maybe your “spam blocker” thing on the side blocked me for pasting my link here? Anyway, sign me up! Thanks : )

  5. Pingback: Petite Fashion Challenge #10: Summer to Autumn (Fall)! | Couture Coco

  6. Pingback: Petite Fashion Challege #10: Summer to Fall โ€” Alterations Needed

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